Sunday, February 19, 2012

Xi's Trip to the US and Other Commentaries

So far, China's Vice President Xi's US trip plays well on Chinese media. Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi summarizes Xi's visit to the US as a significant contribution to promoting mutual respect and building a win-win Sino-US cooperative partnership. According to Yang, first, Xi's trip has deepened important concensus on advancing the Sino-US partnership. Second, it helps to expand pragmatic mutually beneficial cooperations between the two sides in the economic realm. Third, Xi's visit has deepened the friendship between Chinese and American people as well as promoted regional cooperation. Fourth, it enhances the Sino-US communication on international affairs.

One point brought up by Xi that has been highlighted by Chinese media is that China hopes that the US respect China's core interests, including China's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Xi said that the true measurement of friendship is action instead of rhetoric and that China expects the US to support the "one-China" policy and act against the Taiwan and Tibet separatist movements. Speaking of human rights issues, Xi pointed out that it is natural that China and the US have different views on this issue, considering the two countries' different histories and cultures. But the two sides can continue communication to further improve the human rights conditions in both countries.

Xi also pointed out that the US needs to realize its own responsibility for the trade imbalance between China and the US. During the visit, Xi also met with U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Martin Dempsey, when Xi claimed that Sino-US military relations need to subordinate to broader cooperative Sino-US relations.

What has especially catched people's eyes in Xi's visit is its civil part. Some chinese commentators believe that Xi is attempting to build up favorable impressions on China among American people. Some experts call this kind of diplomacy "three-dimensional diplomacy", and claim that it helps to establish China's image as a "great nation".

A Chinese military scholar disputed a global research group's report on China's defense budget growth, saying the motivation of the report was to play up China's military threat. The IHS Jane's report said China's military budget will double by 2015, making it more than the rest of the Asia Pacific region's combined. Professor Ma Gang with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) National Defense University said the IHS Jane's report was sensational and lacked a rational and factual basis. "The facts have proved that China's military budget increase has gone up and down over the past years and will not always keep growing fast," Ma said.

Refuting one of last week's commentaries which supported the idea of G2, a new article this week claims that G2 is a very dangerous proposal. Jin Canrong, a scholar on international relations, believes that the objective of the "responsible China" theory, as opposed to the "China threat" theory, is to put China into the American mold and encourage China to cooperate with the US to maintain the current unipolar world order. He considers this theory both an opportunity and a challenge for China, because the proper limits for behaving like a "great nation" are very sensitive.


"杨洁篪称习近平访美推进双方合作伙伴关系建设" (Yang Jiechi: Vice President Xi's US trip contributes to cooperative partnership)

"习近平:望美反对'台独''藏独'付之行动" (Xi Jinping: China expects US to act against Taiwan and Tibet separatist movements)

"习近平寄望美国:衡量朋友的标准是行动非语言" (Xi Jinping: the measurement of friendship is action instead of rhetoric)

"习近平:中美两军关系需服从于中美合作大局" (xi Jinping: Sino-US military relations need to subordinate to broader cooperative Sino-US relations)

"独家点评:习近平访美民间行程直指人心" (Arrangements of Xi's US trip aim at winning favorable impressions)

"吴旭:习近平访美“立体外交”树立大国形象" (Xi's visit to the US to establish a "great nation" image through three-dimensional diplomacy)

"西方机构妄测中国军费五年倍增意在渲染威胁" (Western research agency intends to play up China's military threat)

"G2中美共治论非常危险 要吸取德日崛起教训" (G2 is a very dangerous idea, China needs to learn the lessons from the rise of Germany and Japan)

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