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One of numerous posters comparing President Morsi to Former President Mubarak. The Arabic reads "Mohammed Morsi Mubarak" (Source: Mohammed Abd El Ghany-Reuters) |
current power struggle playing itself out in Egypt demonstrates the visceral
and emotional power of framing in politics. On November 22nd, in a
move that shocked the international community and left many Egyptians with a
sickening sensation of déjà vu, the first freely democratically elected leader
of Egypt, President Mohammed Morsi bestowed upon himself sweeping and unrestricted
executive powers by rendering impotent the Egyptian judiciary branch and
circumventing the system of checks and balances (See Hume, Tim). While
President Morsi presented 7 edicts, the two that drew the most criticism were Article
2- the pronouncement that all presidential decrees were exempt from judicial
review and Article 5- the judiciary branch would have no ability to dissolve
the upper house of parliament (the Shura Council) or the Constituent Assembly.
Egyptian courts had previously dissolved the first Constituent Assembly along
with the Parliament and rumors suggested that the Supreme Constitutional Court
was “poised to dissolve the existing [largely Islamist] assembly in a ruling
next Sunday” (See Kirkpatrick, David). With these decrees, a dead letter Egyptian
constitution, a defanged judiciary and non-existent legislature, President Morsi’s executive
power is now supreme and exceeds even that of his predecessor, ousted former
President Hosni Mubarak.
president maintains that this state of affairs is only temporary and necessary
to preserve democratic gains made during the Egyptian Revolution of 25 January
and to ensure the creation of a constitution which will be unhindered by
anti-democratic and former regime elements still present in the judiciary and
government. Regardless of his rationale, the President’s decision was immediately
barraged with criticism from the judiciary and brought thousands of protestors
as well as counter-protestor supporters of the President to the streets of
every major city in Egypt. In the days since, violent clashes have erupted
between Muslim Brotherhood (MB)/Morsi supporters and protestors, leaving a
number of Egyptians dead and wounded. Elements of the judiciary, including the
Supreme Court, have gone on strike paralyzing the court system across the
country. Outside of Egypt, the perceived “power grab” by President Morsi has drawn
condemnation from the United Nations Human Rights commissioner Navi Pillay as
undermining the precepts of liberty, social justice and freedom that were the bedrock
ideas of the Egyptian Revolution (See “Egypt: UN Human Rights…”). It is interesting
that Western powers including the United States remain reticent to publicly
condemn President Morsi’s actions (See Knox, Olivier).
MB has had a loud and physical stage presence in the tumult of daily protests
and growing political instability, framing President Morsi’s decrees as the only viable solution
to combat the “enemy within” the political system- i.e., Mubark era judiciary
appointees who were “part and parcel” of his autocratic policies (See Hendawi,Hamza) and whom President Morsi claims are the real obstacles to the creation of a
legitimate constitution. Nobel
Laureate and Egyptian liberal opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei tweeted "(They) are currently staging a coup against democracy...regime legitimacy fast eroding," (See Spencer, Richard). ElBaradei later called for more protests, and in response a MB senior member commented, “He’s Western” (See Rohde, David).
importance of framing ideas as a powerful tool to establish or delegitimize
ideas, movements and political actors, is on full display in this clarifying
moment of the Egyptian Revolution. It is well established that logical argument
based on facts is usually a miserably ineffective political strategy. Human
beings adopt and evolve political views in ways which have very little to do
with factual analysis or reasoned comparisons of issues. There are several
overlapping models which attempt to describe political socialization, such as
research showing that people acquire political views from elites (See Zaller, 1992), that people self-identify with a group (See “Social Identity…”) and
afterwards internalize the normative views of that group, media and
communication such as television ads which use framing and narrative, and
linguistic models which emphasize filtering (See Herman & Chomsky, 2002)
and metaphor (See Lakoff, 1980). Identity and moral sense are fundamental ideas
underlying several models of political socialization. Lakoff, for example,
believes that human beings at a young age develop a library of moral metaphors
which serve as the framework in later years for political, religious and moral
belief (See Lakoff, 1980).
classic example of the political power of framing is the "It's Morning Again in
America" frame, communicated iconically in a Ronald Regan presidential re-election campaign
television commercial with soft, warm images of an idealized America, such as
picket fences, beautiful children, strong brave men leading happy families,
weddings and the like. This framing consolidated the success of the Southern strategy popularized by President Richard Nixon's campaign in the late 1960s. How can one rebut an argument which is not an argument,
but rather is a highly emotional feeling? This requires counter-framing.
By framing ElBaradei as "Western", the MB is attempting to associate its opponents, without ever having to prove any factual charges or even make any specific accusations, with aspects of Western culture and foreign policy which are hugely unpopular in Egypt and the Arab world. The not-so-subtle implication is that the largely young, educated often English speaking Egyptians who took the streets against Mubarak and actually initiated the Revolution are useful idiots-- tools of America and Europe acting as a naïve, or even traitorous Fifth Column, manipulated by The West. There are a number of connotations to this descriptor: exploitive, colonial, conspiracy, rapacious, war, consumerism, anti-Islam and support of Israel among them. This is one of the fundamental frames that the MB invokes against the liberal opposition. Ironically, the MB senior leadership were wary to support the revolution in its early stages allowing only their youth wing to be involved- true to their chameleon political history. Another irony is that the MB itself has a long history of accommodating and working with the Mubarak, Sadat and Nasser regimes.
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A pawn of the West? (Source: Reuters- Mohammed Salem) |
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President Mohammed Morsi depicted as the "new Pharaoh" of Egypt (Source: AP) |
seems at this point President Morsi has perhaps been overly ambitious in attempting to
consolidate political power to advance his vision of an Islamic democratic
nation. This has triggered massive protests by the Arab Street that was
responsible for the Egyptian Arab Spring in the first place and the ouster of
Mubarak. It is too early to predict what will happen in the coming days for
Egypt, but since the fundamental issue is political legitimacy, whoever wins
the framing battle is likely to prevail.
Works Cited:
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Great post. Particularly liked the Reagan video as a clever example of how to frame an issue.
ReplyDeleteThe current Kremlin leadership also uses the western/US bogeyman as an excuse to clamp down on civil liberties.
Alas, almost every violent revolution tends to consume those most qualified to lead.
To further consolidate his power, Morsi will have to get all the security services on his side. What is the relationship between the senior military leadership and the Morsi government?